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3-8-12 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of March 8, 2012

Vice Chair Florence Schroeter called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.  

PRESENT:  Regina Barall; Terrye Blackstone; Glynis McKenzie; Judy Okeson; Betty Russell;
                           Dan Russell; Florence Schroeter; Sue Tukey;
      ABSENT:    Karen Howe (excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien (excused); Maureen Rodgers (excused);
                      John Ryan;  Prescille Yamamoto (excused).         
MOTION  By Terrye Blackstone
                Seconded by Sue Tukey
To approve the minutes of February 9, 2012
CORRECTION:  Under Film Series “Valerie Nettleton is assisting at the film series.”
                        Approved with correction.

III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                          No report at this time.                 

        The following correspondence was received:
-  Terrye Blackstone received information from the Simsbury Light Opera Company.
-   Glynis McKenzie received an e-mail from the Mayor’s secretary in reference to concert pianist,  
    Ang Li, wishing to perform in East Hartford.  No one was interested in pursuing this program as
   we have local artists we could present.

EHSYF – Cabaret/Silent Auction April 28 – Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse.
The Marksmen will perform at the EHCCC on March 9 at 7:30 p.m.

The EHSYF Cabaret/Silent Auction will be held on April 28 at the Veteran’s Memorial Clubhouse.

DanceOngoing Willowbrook Program, Children’s Program 6/9
Regina Barall distributed flyers for the Around the World program being held.

A children’s recital will take place on Saturday, June 9 at 4:00 p.m. at the Circle of Life studio.  This will include children from Willowbrook School.
Regina Barall reported that Youth Services will have a May program themed “Erase Drugs” which will include original poems stating why the authors don’t use drugs.  The program will also have singing and dancing.
Music – Paul Bisaccia – May 6, 2012 – First Church
Florence Schroeter requested that the piano at First Congregational Church be tuned and the Fine Arts Commission be sent the bill.

Brass Quartet – Fall 2012
Betty Russell will make arrangements for a performance by The Nautilus Brass Quintet for their availability.

Photography                                     No report at this time.

Film Series                                            
Films scheduled  - April 14, 2012.
Glynis McKenzie reported “The Concert” will be shown this Saturday, March 10. Florence Schroeter will be responsible for the program because Glynis has a conflict.  The April movie is a Jordanian drama.

Terrye Blackstone reported that Diana Lyn Cote, an East Hartford artist, will be the featured artist at the Art League this Sunday, March 12th from 2-4 p.m. in Room 12 (the Fine Arts Commission meeting room).

MOTION  By Terrye Blackstone
                Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
                To approve a $200 payment to Diana Lyn Cote.

Sue Tukey reported on Harry White’s February 12th presentation. It was moved to the auditorium as more space for display was needed.  He was very well received.

Dan Russell reported on the exhibit at the Claire Gallery at St. Patrick/St. Anthony Church in Hartford. It is titled Ancient Art Forms in Modern Times.

Laura White, Director of Fine and Performing Arts with East Hartford Public Schools, contacted Betty Russell requesting that the Commission sponsor another teachers art exhibit.  Teachers have been  studying at the Wadsworth and are anxious to show their work. The commission agreed to sponsor an exhibit sometime in October. Dan and Betty Russell will check the lighting at the Brewer House.

Children’s Programs
Betty Russell thanked the members that attended the program presented by Sankofa Kuumba Drummers.  We hope to have them again at a better day and time.
VI.     OLD BUSINESS                                    None at this time.

VII.    NEW BUSINESS                            
Vice Chair Schroeter distributed copies of the budget spread sheet.  In September a payment of $1500 was voted to Podunk Blue Grass Festival.  As East Hartford will no longer be holding the festival, the Commission will look into being reimbursed.
MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                Seconded by Sue Tukey
                To investigate getting the $1500 back into the Fine Arts budget.
                Approved with one abstention.

                        Theresa Godreau (clerk fee)     $80.00
                        Diana Lyn Cote (artist)         $200.00

MOTION  By Dan Russell
                Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
                To pay the bills as submitted.

Sue Tukey reported that she will be honored this coming Sunday by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation as the “Outstanding Volunteer of the Year”.

        Regina Barall reported that the gym at the EHCCC has been cleaned and equipment is available for use.

        Dan Russell reported on the Norton Sculpture Garden in West Palm Beach, Florida.

MOTION  By Terrye Blackston
                Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
To adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

The next Fine Arts Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at the EHCCC, 50 Chapman Place, Room 12.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk